Fresher opinion tips for life


Don't fall for MLM's

so you guys would have seen this as a recurring theme in some of my blogs to recommend you guys to not fall into MLM's. So let me explain so MLM's or as the promoters of these programs would like to call them network marketing (even though most of the programs aren't network marketing ) have seen a rise in many countries mostly during a period after the financial crisis and mostly are brought forward into countries which have larger communities and can be directly correlated to the employment, in this case, the unemployment status of a community. They use forward gullible people to in a way put forward this marketing approach which if you would put forward your research would find that most companies using this have been penalized by companies like us since these act as Ponzi schemes and pyramid ........ So, am I telling you cannot earn using this let me make it clear sure u can and will earn but this has strings attached? So let me explain a normal mlm set up so a company lets u set up an mlm agency directly or through people already involved so basically the thing is the concept of mlm was that if u buy a product or are able to sell it u would get a commission for it but this isn't the case for a scam based mlms in these in order to tap in to these benefits you would first have to either buy into the program or as they conveniently put it u would have to try out and ask others to try out your product many might be thinking isn't that just sales in a way no normally a sales company provides you with leads to try and sell to in an mlm the first target people are you , Your family and friends and anyone u decide to sell to so Your not essentially selling it to them but asking them to invest based on ur suggestion so u get that it screws with people who trust u many mlms tell this is a business ..... so NeXT after u complete a target there are two routes that can be taken complete one more target and get commission based on that at a higher commission cap if this is done using leads then this is a legit mlm but if they again want u to sell to ur fam or friends u can start getting suspicious right about now but normally mlms the bad kind prefer another way out where they ask you to join a team and recruit another person and when that person completes a target u would get a part of their commission this cycle is same as when u are recruited the sales that u made is being pocketed by the company and the person who recruited y0u gets a share that's why they recruited you ur buy in to the program normally is the only cash flow in tis system and all tears above u get a part of that sweat money u made ur parents invest so, as u can see another flaw if it was easy to sell that product the person wouldn't have recruited u so realize hat ur cash is what is being circulated so the person on the top recruits 5 people those recruit five each u get the pyramid type sure the person on top gets continuous cash flow as long as more people are joining in but what about the people who are joining in in us a famous healthcare based company was caught using that's method and u will not believe how many people of the economically lower class got mixed into this the sad thing was they couldn't get even their initial buy in back since they were not able to recoup it and when the program couldn't recruit more people the whole system came crash in g down with no cash flow across tears since one can see the product wasn't being sold the only sales of product was that that was being bought by the new recruit 

<a href=''>Business photo created by freepik -</a>

be care full of this since in many countries since check and balance system isn't represent u can get duped buy clubs into these and sadly some of these are fortune 500 companies that are using this sick strategy in developing countries with higher population sadly many companies that aren't publicly traded are using this not only do they do this to drive up sales but also to take your dat a so beware I myself tried out for what sounded like legit internships and all but turned out in actual it to be mlms and getting to know them from inside helped me escape this cycle believe me there is no sleds of products in this system just the system of recruiting and sadly even the education and online courses are using this surely u see the insta posts with the bank statements of the earning but beware these are only for a select few and the people in the bottom don't ear n its just the same money gets circulated in the system and the flow can stop at any time if u guys are relatively the last people recruited I will give u my word u will no t be able to even recruit 15 $% of Your investment .


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