Fresher opinion book picks RICH DAD , POOR DAD

 Fresher opinion book picks


 Robert T.Kiyosaki 

"Rich Dad Poor Dad is a starting point for anyone looking to gain control of their financial future."

                                                                                                                                 -USA TODAY 

Robert Kiyosaki,books,book recommendation,financial intelligence,rich dad poor dad,best book,#1,read,booklust,future,must read,So I am sure soo many of you guys would have come across websites, blogs , social media pages ,etc. calling this the no one personal finance book of all time (this is the statement on the book too) will I say this is number one in the  field frankly I haven't read all the  books inn the world or all the books in my life time to but out of the book I have gone through I can tell you for me this is number 1 I believe it changed my view about soo many topics about money and helped me get an insight into both sides of the coin.

 Narrating the story of the two dads(ya I am not going to spoil this book for you you want to know how Mr. Kiyosaki has 2 dads read the book) two different personalities with two completely different perceptions of financials in their life Robert Kiyosaki takes us through a time line of his life from his first quest to make money to his life now .Having had two father figures who had so different ideologies Robert was able to get a better grasp of the financial aspect of life with one dad directly helping in his financial education while the other helping him form another sort of list. The book has ranging from why the rich don't work, the need for financial education , history of taxes , how the rich invent money.   can personally assure you that the book will blow some of of your wrong perceptions away and will help you gain a whole different mind set regarding financial decisions in life . A great read for anyone who is taking their steps to navigate through the financial aspects of life .

MY SUGGESTION : Go for it , you will not regret reading It . 

 If one were to take my suggestion buy the 20 year edition with its updates for todays world and the study session section I can assure you anyone who reads this book will remember and apply the lessons in life much more than they would do with any other book. (p.s. even if you don't read the book get two know Robert k either through YouTube or his websites.)


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