Fresher opinion book picks


 Mary Buffet & David Clark 

"You have to understand accounting and you have to understand the nuance of accounting. It's the language of business and it's an imperfect language, but unless you are willing to put in the effort to learn accounting-how to read and interpret financial statement financial statements-you really shouldn't select stocks yourself."

   - Warren Buffet

Don't let the  big title throw you off see I know this isn't something that everyone reads but going with the theme of personal finance books , we land on this book that helps capture an important concept that is the ability to evaluate a company to know if it is a good bat investing into a company. and this book is the perfect beginners guide to that a boon for any  value investor this book tracks the moves and ideology that were used by warren buffet in essentially reading a company to determine if it was one that had as referenced in a book a constant competitive advantage .Not only does it help evaluate or read into a company it also gives people essential advice on ideal situation to buy into or sell stocks which is just indirect advice but according to many an important thought process for every investor in the equity field .it helps you not only  get some knowledge essential for equity and company investing but also helps any novice get into the language of business believe me when I say that this book has been my first ever guide into accounting and financial statement and has  done an amazing job for me a student of the  sciences to learn about an important life skill( I believe everyone should learn about financial statements).It clears a lot of topics such as that of an income statement ,balance sheet ,,cash flow going into  it in a concise manner and letting one know about what all of it means in terms of a company .

Note only do you get a clear picture into particulars into companies , a peak into warren buffets investments and some aspects of his portfolio but also u get an amazing glossary and brief definition of different elements of finance also if u are someone who has started a company or startup u can also in a way use this as a book a reference book perhaps to investing into your own company and how u can get a competitive  advantage . when on wants to go into international market too u know some if not all the advice in the boo will work I mean think about it u get a sneak peak into the richest , and as some might say the greatest value investor in the world of a man whose company has the record for having the costliest stock. 

 In my personal opinion:

In my opinion if you feel that you want to enter into the stock market or even get a small edge over others when it comes to understanding company financials this book is for you. 


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